Kamis, 17 Juni 2010

Detection of Gifted and Talented

Law on National Education System mandates, among others, that "citizens who have the potential of intelligence and special talents are entitled to special education" (Article 5, paragraph 4). In addition, also said that "every student at every educational unit entitled to receive educational services according to their talents, interests and abilities" (article 12, paragraph 1b). This certainly is exciting news for citizens who have special talents and special level of intelligence to get the best education services.

Many references are made that the world is around 10-15% in terms of gifted children have intelligence or remarkable advantages when compared with children of his age. Advantages they can appear in one or more of the following signs:

• Ability general intelligence is very high, usually characterized by the acquisition of very high intelligence tests, eg IQ above 120.

• special talents in certain fields, such as the fields of language, math, art, and others. This is usually indicated by special achievements in these areas.

• High Creativity in thinking, the ability to find new ideas.

• Ability to lead a prominent, namely the ability to direct and influence others to act in accordance with group expectations.

• special achievements in the arts or other fields, such as music, drama, dance, painting, and others.

In this modern-day parents are increasingly aware that education is one of the basic needs that can not be bargained. Therefore also not surprising that more and more parents who feel the need to quickly put their children to school from an early age. They really hope that their children "is fast becoming smarter." Meanwhile, many parents into a panic and anxiety if you notice any symptoms or behaviors that are different from children his age. For example, there are already three years old child can read fluently like a child aged seven years; or there is a new child is five years old but his way of thinking like adults, and others. May happen that the symptoms and the "strange behavior" of children was a sign that children have special abilities. Thus it seems necessary for teachers and parents can detect early signs of exceptional ability in children so that children who have the talent and ability isitimewa like that can be given adequate educational services.

From an early age can already see the possibility that the child has a special talent. For example there are children who only two years old but will prefer a toy tools for children aged 6-7 years; or children aged three years but has been able to read books intended for children aged 7-8 years. They will be very happy if I get service like they expected.

Children who have special talents often have developmental stages that are not in unison. He may live in various ages of development, for example: a three-year-old child, when he's playing like his age, but if you read like 10-year-old child, when doing math as children aged 12 years, and if you talk like five year olds. Need to understand is that gifted children are generally not only learned more quickly, but also often use a different way from friends of his age. It is not uncommon to make teachers in schools experiencing a difficult, often even bother with such children. In addition, special gifted children typically have the ability to receive large amounts of information at once. If he has received little information so it will quickly become "thirst" for information.

In classes kindergarten or elementary school gifted children often do not show an outstanding achievement. Instead they show behavior that is less pleasant, for example: his writing is not organized, easily bored with the way teachers teach, too fast to complete the task but less thorough, and so forth. That interest and attention is sometimes precisely the things that are not taught in class. Posts gifted children are often less regularly because of the differences between the development of cognitive development (understanding, mind), and motor development, in this case the movement of hands and fingers to write. Development of mind much faster than motor development. Similarly, there is often a difference between cognitive development and language development, so that he becomes a little stutter speak her mind faster than the tools to speak in his mouth.

Given that gifted children have the ability and interests very different from children's peers, it is rather difficult if gifted children entered on the traditional school, mix with other children. In classes like that will happen two losses, namely:

(1) gifted children will be frustrated by not getting the service required, and

(2) teacher and her classmates would be very disturbed by the behavior of gifted children earlier.

Several possibilities gifted children's services can be done in the following manner:

1) Holding a special accelerated program for gifted children. Accelerated program can be done by "jumping classes," meaning that children from Kindergarten eg class I do not have to go through elementary school, but for example directly to class II, or even to class III Elementary School. Similarly, class III Elementary School could have been straight to class V if it is ripe for he will teach his son. So the accelerated program may be made to:

(1) all subjects, or so called accelerated classes, or
(2) acceleration to a few subjects only. In the accelerated program for all subjects means that the child does not need to take classes in a row, but can skip a particular class, for example, elementary school first graders went up to class III. Accelerated program can also only be applied to subjects that are outside the ordinary. For example, elementary school first graders talented at maths, so she is allowed take math in grade III, but other lessons remain in class I. Likewise, if there are children at second grade of elementary school is very advanced in the field of English, it should follow English lessons in class V or VI.

2) Home-schooling (non-formal education outside of school). If the school objected to the talented children's services using a model of accelerated class or subject acceleration, then the other ways that can be taken is to provide additional education at home / outside school, which is often called a home-schooled. In the home-schooling parents or experts appointed to make a special program in accordance with the special talents of children concerned. At one point if the child is ready to return to school, so he could have returned to school on a particular class that match the developmental level.

3) Holding the traditional classes, individualized approaches. In this model, usually the number of children per class should be very limited, so the attention of teachers to individual differences can still be quite adequate, for example, maximum 20 children. Each child is encouraged to learn according to their own rhythm. Children who are very advanced given the task and materials more and more deeply than other children; a little slow on the contrary children are given the materials and tasks appropriate to developmental level. Similarly, teachers must be prepared with a variety of materials that may be selected by the child to learn. Teachers in this case becomes extremely busy by giving individual attention to children of different levels of development and learning rhythm.

4) Establish a special class for gifted children. In this case the children who have the talents / abilities more or less the same is collected and given special education that is different from traditional classes for children age. Classes like this one should be a small class where individualized approaches precedence over classical approaches. A special class gifted children should have their own special curriculum designed in accordance with the needs of gifted children. Pembelajarannyapun evaluation system and must be made in accordance with their needs.

Gifted children often prefer to associate with children who are older in terms of age, especially those with excellence in fields of interest. For example, there is a class II primary school children who love to play chess with the grown-ups, because if he was playing with his peers seemed less balanced. In this case the parents and teachers should memakluminya and let it go that far no other adverse developments.

In the family even the parents should find a friend that works for gifted children so that she does not feel lonely in his life. If he does not get a friend that match, then not infrequently parents and families, their association became friends. Gifted children generally prefer to ask things that are answered in depth than the things small and trivial. Ability of parents and families to get along with talented children will greatly assist their development.


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