Muktamad information concerning the month of Rajab is the month that includes the months to be respected, or in the Qur'an referred to as Hurum Asyhurul, namely, Dhul Qa'dah Muharram, Dhul-Hijjah, Muharram and the Rajab. In these months, Allah forbids war and this is a tradition which existed long before Islamic turunya. Allah Ta'ala says:
"The number of months with Allah is twelve months, the ordinance of God on the day He created the heavens and the earth, among them four months is unlawful. That is the right religion, so let yourselves in four months, and fight it all the idolaters as they fight you all, and know that Allah is with those who restrain themselves. "(Surat At-Taubah: 36)
From the scholars among the Ash-Syafi''i sect, Imam An-Nawawi commented on the specific sunna of fasting in the month of Rajab, "There is no description Thabit about sunnah fasting Rajab, whether any form of prohibition or kesunnahan. But basically doing is Sunnah of fasting (outside of Ramadan). And narrated by Abu Dawud in the Book of Sunan that the Prophet SAW menyunnahkan fasting in the sacred month, the month of Rajab is one of them. "
As for the primacy of the month of Rajab, most scholars say that the principle is very weak, even virtually no description of the underlying strength of the word of the Prophet SAW.
Unfortunately, somehow the process, it settled some Muslims argue that the moon of Rajab has many virtues, so that Muslims are encouraged to perform certain acts of worship so that they can achieve these fadhilah or virtue. In-between-practice examples of practices that are often believed to be Muslims in the month of Rajab is:
1. Held a special prayer on the first night Rejab months.
2. Held a special prayer on the night of the first week Jum''at.
Three. Special prayers at night Mid-Rajab (the middle or 15th of Rajab).
4. Special prayer on the night of 27 Rajab (Isra night''and Mi''raj).
5. Special fasting on 1 Rajab.
6. Thursday special fasting days the first week of the month of Rajab.
7. Mid-special fasting on the day of Rajab.
8. Special fasting on 27th Rajab.
9. Fasting at the beginning, middle and end of the month of Rajab.
10. Special fasted at least its a day on the month of Rajab.
11. Issued a special charity in the month of Rajab.
12. Special Umrah in the month of Rajab.
13. Augment special Istighfar on the month of Rajab.
However, all these opinions can not be held, because if we are true to the original sources of this religion, almost none of the above practice-based practice to a saheeh hadiths.
In a hadith narrated from Anas ibn Malik Ra. explained that when the Prophet entered the month of Rajab, he always prayed:
"FII Lanaa Baarik Allohumma Rejab Sya'baan Wa Wa Ballighnaa Romadhoon" (Yaa Allah, Grant us the blessed in the month of Rajab and Sha'ban and Ramadan us to Convey) (Narrated by Ahmad and Bazzar).
Unfortunately this Hadith by Ibn Hajar was not strong. While other traditions associated with the month of Rajab virtues, none of which can be made hujjah traditions. For example hadith which reads:
"Rajab is the month of Allah, Sha` ban is my moon (the Prophet SAW) and Ramadan is the month of my ummah "
This hadith by Ameen Ash hadith cited as false and munkar. Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi states that the muhadditsin kemungkaran and falsehood has been said that this Hadith in his contemporary fatwas.
In the book Iqthidho Shirotil Mustaqîm, Ibn Taymiyyah said, "There is no description of any one of the Prophet SAW associated with the primacy of the month of Rajab, even generality traditions associated with it is a false hadith." (Iqthidho Shirothil Mustaqîm, 2 / 624)
Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani specifically has written problems and kemaudhu''an kedha''ifan hadiths about the deeds-deeds in the month of Rajab. He named it: Taudhihul bi Ajab Rajab Fadhli fi Warada MAA. "In it he wrote," There is no single explanation that explains the priority of any month of Rajab, was also not associated with shaumnya, or even associated with a devoted prayer night for the month. What is saheeh hadith which can be made hujjah. "
Thus, virtually no one else that can be used as information indicating the primacy hujjah month of Rajab. Whether it relates on shaum primacy in that month, praying on some nights or other acts of worship which are special in doing in Rajab.
Wallahu a''lam bishshawab, Wassalamu `alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Ahmad Sarwat, Lc
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