Россия) begins with the migration of nations known as the Scandinavian nations, led by prominent Varangia semilegendaris Rurik who crossed the Baltic Sea and in the year 862 AD entered the city of Novgorod and reign there. In 882 he conquered Kiev, Slavia town that grew into the center of trade between Scandinavia and Constantinople. In 989 Vladimir I expand its territory up to the Caucasus and the Black Sea and took the teachings of the Greek Orthodox Church. Kingdom of Kiev Russia expires after the Mongol attack in 1237 by Batu Khan, grandson of Genghis Khan.
Furthermore, the Mongols were defeated by Dimitri Donskoy in 1380 with a victory in the Kulikovo. Then the regions that are reunited scattered by Ivan IV; he conquered Kazan (1552), Astrakhan (1516) and master Siberia. Government continued by his successors until the Romanov dynasty to the throne that begins with the appointment of Michael Romanov as czar (1613). Romanov dynasty ruled for 304 years until the year 1917 by Tsar Nicholas II as the last tsar. In February 1917 the Provisional Government was formed under Prince Lyvov and Alexander Kerensky until October 25, 1917, when the government is replaced by the Government of the Bolshevik Revolution, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.
In subsequent periods, the dictatorial rule followed by Josef Stalin (1922) who embodies the Soviet Union (Soviet means Council) with the merger of the countries around Russia. Ended after the Soviet government on December 25, 1991 President Mikhail Gorbachev resigned and the three-color Russian flag waving in the Kremlin. "
/ Forum.berani.co.id /
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