Jumat, 25 Juni 2010

prophet's advice welcome ramadhan

Again attend this year's Ramadan and Muslims greet Worldwide. The whole community should be grateful because it was reunited with a month full of mercy and blessings. For no less our brothers who are called by God Almighty in advance so it can not meet this month full of grace. Encounter was grateful because if it is not obligatory Ramadan would come and go without any meaning and benefits.

Prophet Muhammad emphasized that "if my ummah to know about the month of Ramadan, they would expect throughout the year to the month of Ramadan" (law ta "ma fi ummati night of Ramadan latamannau takun kulluha sanat al-Ramadan). Just this month, all the good deeds reward doubled , received obedience, prayers answered, and all sins will be forgiven. Heaven will really miss the people who fasted.

Fasting all year round so impossible, but with only a month of fasting in Ramadan fasting reward reward will surpass all year round. Plus one night in the month with a value of more than a thousand months (Laylat al-Qadr),. If the sum of a thousand months equivalent to 83 years. If the average human age is 65 years old, then the rest is the deposit of good deeds that are beneficial for life on akherat later.
Month full of blessings and forgiveness should greeted with joy. Prophet Muhammad even gave the lure of an attractive "Whosoever happy to welcome Ramadan, God forbid her from licking flames of hell" (man faraha dukhul bi Allah Ramadan harrama jasadah 'ala al-Niran). Possibly there are some people which grundel when Ramadan comes. Particularly for those who sell food and the like, or who work in places of entertainment. No such attitude should be promoted because the business fields that accompany fasting month is quite a lot and all promised benefits.

Feeling happy to greet the arrival of Ramadan is an attitude that simply can deliver it to heaven. Narrated in al-Nasihin Dzurrat (p. 8), someone who never prayed all his life but when Ramadan arrived she greeted him with good clothes, wear perfume, and prayer. This attitude caused amazement to others: "Why do you act like that." He said: "This month of repentance, grace, and maybe God will give grace to me." Soon after, he died. In his dream, the person is asked: "How does God say?" (Ma fa 'ala Allah bika). He replied: "My God has forgiven my sins because I respect the greatness of Ramadan" (ghafara hurmat ta bi li rabbi "dhim ramadan).
This story line with the Prophet Muhammad that "whoever fasts Ramadan founded in faith and sincerity so that the past sins forgiven by Allah SWT (man qama imanan ramadan wa ma lahu ihtisahaban gufira taqaddama danbih min). The word" Qama "here not only fasting, but also turn on the evening with additional acts of worship such as tarawih, tadarus, i "tikaf, and others.
Advice of Prophet Muhammad

Given the greatness and virtues of the fasting month of this, the Prophet gave advice to all Muslims around the end of the month Sha "ban and before the month of Ramadan. Sermon welcoming the fasting month is a form of special attention so that his people did not neglect the Messenger of Ramadan.
In the sermon, the Prophet reminds months of this sublime and pernuh blessing. In it there is one night worth more than a thousand months (lailat al-Qadr). Whoever voluntary charity in this month, reward, such as compulsory charity in another month. Anyone who (once) in this month's charity shall reward as those who labor required seventy times in other months (taqarraba FThi man kana bi khaslat recording Adda Sabu "in faridatan fima Siwah).
In the sermon was also mentioned that Ramadan is the month of patience and attitude of impatient reply was paradise. This month is also the month of love and Rizki month in which a believer will be added. Whoever gives food while breaking even just a sip of water or a small palm-only, will receive forgiveness from God for all his sins without reducing the reward of the fasting.
At the end of the sermon, the Prophet Muhammad recommend four things to be carried as much as possible during Ramadan, which is read sentences Thayyibah, seek forgiveness, inserted into heaven and take refuge from Hell. Practice, practice the above can be implemented without having to wait for spare time. Any time can be carried out while still running the activities and daily work.
Ramadan Preparation

Yahya ibn Mu "adz-a-old cleric said that the coming month of Ramadan to be prepared ahead of time, namely since the month of Rajab and Sha" ban. He said that Rajab is the month to purify the body, Sha 'ban to purify our hearts and to purify the spirit of Ramadan. If someone had cleaned her body in the month of Rajab, and purify his heart in Sha "ban so he will gain spiritual sanctity of Ramadan. Conversely, if the month of Rajab and Sha 'ban just go away without any physical cleansing and liver, hence less than optimal as a madrasa Ramadan spiritual. Therefore, the month of Rajab month actually ask forgiveness from all sins, Sha' ban is the month of purification of the hearts of all disabilities and Ramadan is the month for mencahayakan liver. In the month of Rajab and Sha 'ban, the Messenger of mensunnatkan fasting as a warming up to run fast in the next month.

Opinion among the scholars in the nicely captured by the Javanese who initiated the ritual of welcoming the month of Ramadan with ruwahan, like nyadran example. Nyadran in the Islamic tradition was carried out in coastal Ruwah or Sha 'ban as a ritual face of Ramadan fasting. Nyadran itself was originally influenced by Hindu and Buddhist teachings but in the hands of the Islamic community is loaded with the tradition of Islamic values which condensed. On the field nyadran no different as the grave pilgrimage in Islamic tradition and making food for others as a mirror sodaqah. sodaqah Pilgrimage is a symbol of purification and hearts and bodies, such as the opinion of Yahya Ibn Mu 'adz above.
There are two important things that need to be prepared to welcome Ramadan, the physical preparation and liver. Preparing the physical facilities and infrastructures including what is needed to improve implementation of the fasting. Could be the places of worship (mosques and musolla) enhanced appearance and equipped facilities. Concerning the needs of families, were also prepared in such a way that adds tranquility while performing worship. Designing activities for the month of Ramadan as tarawih and tadarus together, held a ceremony to welcome the children and filling (pesantren kilatmisalnya) also became part of the holy month of physical preparations this.

No less important, and the main inner preparation. The essence of worship is fasting is to train oneself to be honest, sincere, patient and self-control. Once out of the house, not many people know whether he was still fasting or become null and void at home. Similarly, in the lead-to-day activities sehar, maybe he was not able to or be tempted to do things that can reduce the reward of fasting, such as lying, slander, or a lot of unnecessary talk, and others. Honesty, sincerity, patience and self control and is several moral messages that must be undertaken to accompany fasting.
Someone who is not able to realize the moral message at the top, so he may enter a category, such as signal "Rasulullah SAW:" Many people are fasting but did not gain anything except hunger and thirst alone. " Surely the best way to welcome the presence of Ramadan is to leave all sinners and reproduce actions obey and worship Allah SWT.

Marhaban ya Ramadhan. May we be given the power to run a month-long fasting.
Abu Rokhmad

special practice in the month of ramadan

Muktamad information concerning the month of Rajab is the month that includes the months to be respected, or in the Qur'an referred to as Hurum Asyhurul, namely, Dhul Qa'dah Muharram, Dhul-Hijjah, Muharram and the Rajab. In these months, Allah forbids war and this is a tradition which existed long before Islamic turunya. Allah Ta'ala says:

"The number of months with Allah is twelve months, the ordinance of God on the day He created the heavens and the earth, among them four months is unlawful. That is the right religion, so let yourselves in four months, and fight it all the idolaters as they fight you all, and know that Allah is with those who restrain themselves. "(Surat At-Taubah: 36)

From the scholars among the Ash-Syafi''i sect, Imam An-Nawawi commented on the specific sunna of fasting in the month of Rajab, "There is no description Thabit about sunnah fasting Rajab, whether any form of prohibition or kesunnahan. But basically doing is Sunnah of fasting (outside of Ramadan). And narrated by Abu Dawud in the Book of Sunan that the Prophet SAW menyunnahkan fasting in the sacred month, the month of Rajab is one of them. "

As for the primacy of the month of Rajab, most scholars say that the principle is very weak, even virtually no description of the underlying strength of the word of the Prophet SAW.

Unfortunately, somehow the process, it settled some Muslims argue that the moon of Rajab has many virtues, so that Muslims are encouraged to perform certain acts of worship so that they can achieve these fadhilah or virtue. In-between-practice examples of practices that are often believed to be Muslims in the month of Rajab is:

1. Held a special prayer on the first night Rejab months.
2. Held a special prayer on the night of the first week Jum''at.
Three. Special prayers at night Mid-Rajab (the middle or 15th of Rajab).
4. Special prayer on the night of 27 Rajab (Isra night''and Mi''raj).
5. Special fasting on 1 Rajab.
6. Thursday special fasting days the first week of the month of Rajab.
7. Mid-special fasting on the day of Rajab.
8. Special fasting on 27th Rajab.
9. Fasting at the beginning, middle and end of the month of Rajab.
10. Special fasted at least its a day on the month of Rajab.
11. Issued a special charity in the month of Rajab.
12. Special Umrah in the month of Rajab.
13. Augment special Istighfar on the month of Rajab.

However, all these opinions can not be held, because if we are true to the original sources of this religion, almost none of the above practice-based practice to a saheeh hadiths.

In a hadith narrated from Anas ibn Malik Ra. explained that when the Prophet entered the month of Rajab, he always prayed:

"FII Lanaa Baarik Allohumma Rejab Sya'baan Wa Wa Ballighnaa Romadhoon" (Yaa Allah, Grant us the blessed in the month of Rajab and Sha'ban and Ramadan us to Convey) (Narrated by Ahmad and Bazzar).

Unfortunately this Hadith by Ibn Hajar was not strong. While other traditions associated with the month of Rajab virtues, none of which can be made hujjah traditions. For example hadith which reads:

"Rajab is the month of Allah, Sha` ban is my moon (the Prophet SAW) and Ramadan is the month of my ummah "

This hadith by Ameen Ash hadith cited as false and munkar. Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi states that the muhadditsin kemungkaran and falsehood has been said that this Hadith in his contemporary fatwas.

In the book Iqthidho Shirotil Mustaqîm, Ibn Taymiyyah said, "There is no description of any one of the Prophet SAW associated with the primacy of the month of Rajab, even generality traditions associated with it is a false hadith." (Iqthidho Shirothil Mustaqîm, 2 / 624)

Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani specifically has written problems and kemaudhu''an kedha''ifan hadiths about the deeds-deeds in the month of Rajab. He named it: Taudhihul bi Ajab Rajab Fadhli fi Warada MAA. "In it he wrote," There is no single explanation that explains the priority of any month of Rajab, was also not associated with shaumnya, or even associated with a devoted prayer night for the month. What is saheeh hadith which can be made hujjah. "

Thus, virtually no one else that can be used as information indicating the primacy hujjah month of Rajab. Whether it relates on shaum primacy in that month, praying on some nights or other acts of worship which are special in doing in Rajab.

Wallahu a''lam bishshawab, Wassalamu `alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Ahmad Sarwat, Lc

Senin, 21 Juni 2010

origin of the name of Indonesia

IN ancient times, the islands of our homeland is called by various names. In a note Tionghoa archipelago nation we named Nan-hai (the South Sea Islands). Various ancient records of India named the island nation was Dwipantara (Overseas Land Islands), a name derived from the Sanskrit word Dwipa (island) and between (outside, opposite). Valmiki Ramayana story of a famous poet that tells the search for Sprott, Ravana kidnapped Rama's wife, came to Suwarnadwipa (Island of Gold, which is now Sumatra) located in Dwipantara Islands.

Arabs called our homeland Jaza'ir al-Jawi (Javanese Islands). Latin name for frankincense is benzoe, derived from the Arabic luban jawi (frankincense of Java), because Arab traders obtained from incense trees Styrax sumatrana who once grew only in Sumatra. To this day pilgrims we still often called "Java" by Arabs. Even though people outside Java, Indonesia. "Samathrah, Sholibis, Sundah, kulluh Jawi (Sumatra, Sulawesi, Sundanese, Javanese everything)" said a trader at Pasar Seng, Mecca.

Then came the time of arrival of the Europeans to Asia. European nations who first came to the thought that Asia is only composed of Arabs, Persians, Indians and Chinese. For them, the area stretching between Persia and China, everything is "Indian". South Asian peninsula they called "Ocean Front" and mainland Southeast Asia was named "Rear Indies." While we get the name of homeland "Indian Archipelago" (Indische Archipel, the Indian Archipelago, l'Archipel Indien) or "East Indies" (Oost Indie, East Indies, Indes Orientales). Another name used is "Malayan Archipelago" (Maleische Archipel, Malay Archipelago, l'Archipel Malais).

When our country colonized by the Dutch, the official name used is Nederlandsch-Indie (Dutch Indies), while the Japanese occupation from 1942 to 1945 used the term To-Indo (East Indies). Eduard Douwes Dekker (1820-1887), known by the pseudonym of Multatuli, never proposed a specific name for the islands to mention our homeland, namely Insulinde, which means also "Indian Archipelago" (the Latin insula meaning island). But apparently this Insulinde name is less popular. For the people of Bandung, Insulinde probably just known as a bookstore that ever existed on the Road Otista.

In the 1920s, Ernest Francois Eugene Douwes Dekker (1879-1950), which we know as Dr. Setiabudi (he was the grandson of the brother Multatuli), popularize a name for our homeland that did not contain elements of the word "Indian". Is no other name is Nusantara, a term that has been submerged for centuries. Setiabudi took the name from Pararaton, Majapahit era of ancient manuscripts found in Bali at the end of the 19th century and translated by JLA Brandes and published by Johannes Nicholaas Krom in 1920.

However, it should be noted that the definition proposed Nusantara Setiabudi much different with the understanding, the archipelago of Majapahit era. During the Majapahit Nusantara used to name the islands outside of Java (in Sanskrit means between the outer, opposite) as opposed to Jawadwipa (Java). We certainly never heard Palapa Oath of Gajah Mada, "Seagrass huwus lost archipelago, isun amukti palapa" (If you have lost the islands opposite, then I enjoy a break). By Dr. Setiabudi archipelago word connotes ignorance Majapahit era was given a nationalistic sense. By taking the word between the indigenous Malays, the archipelago now has a new meaning of "homeland between the two continents and two oceans", so Java was included in the definition of a modern country. Setiabudi terms of this archipelago is fast becoming popular as an alternative use of the name of the Dutch East Indies.

To this day we use the term domestic fixed for mention our homeland territory from Sabang to Merauke. But the official name of our state and nation is Indonesia. Now we will explore where the hell the name was difficult for Malays tongue appeared.

Indonesian Names

In the year 1847 in Singapore published an annual science magazine, Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia (JIAEA), which is managed by James Richardson Logan (1819-1869), the Scotsman who took a law degree from the University of Edinburgh. Then in 1849 an expert in ethnology of the British nation, George Samuel Windsor Earl (1813-1865), incorporating itself as a magazine editor JIAEA.

In JIAEA 1850 Volume IV, pages 66-74, Earl wrote an article "On The Leading Characteristics of the Papuan, Australian and Malay-Polynesian Nations. In his article was Earl asserts that it was time for the people of the Indian Archipelago or Malayan Archipelago to have a unique name (a Distinctive name), because the Indian name is not appropriate and is often confused with the mention of another Indian. Earl filed two options name: Indunesia or Malayunesia (nesos in Greek means island). On page 71 an article was written: "... the inhabitants of the Indians Archipelago or Malayan Archipelago would Indunesians or changed from Malayunesians respectively.

Earl himself has said choosing a name Malayunesia Islands (Malays) than Indunesia (Ocean Islands), because Malayunesia perfect for races Malays, while Indunesia can also be used to Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and Maldives (Maldives). Besides, says Earl, is not Melayu language used throughout the archipelago? In his writing was Earl's use of the term and did not use the term Malayunesia Indunesia.

In Volume IV JIAEA also, pages 252-347, James Richardson Logan wrote the article The Ethnology of the Indian Archipelago. In early writings, Logan also stated the need to name specific to the islands of our homeland, because the term "Indian Archipelago" is too long and confusing. Logan picked up a discarded Indunesia Earl, and the letter u replaced with the letter o to his words better. Thus was born the term Indonesia.

For the first time the Indonesian word appeared in the world with 254 pages printed on Logan in writing: Mr. Earl suggests the term ethnographical Indunesian, but Rejects it in favour of Malayunesian. I prefer the purely geographical term Indonesia, Which is merely a synonym for the Shorter Indian Islands or the Indian Archipelago. When proposing the name "Indonesia" Logan does not seem to realize that in future the name will be the name of the nation and the country ranked the fourth largest population on earth!

Since then Logan has consistently used the name "Indonesia" in his scientific writings, and the use of this term is slowly spreading among the scientists of ethnology and geography. In 1884 a professor of ethnology at the University of Berlin, named Adolf Bastian (1826-1905) published a book Indonesien oder die Inseln des Malayischen Archipel five volumes, containing the results of his research when it wandered into our homeland in 1864 until 1880. Bastian's book is a popularized the term "Indonesia" among the Dutch scholar, so that could arise assuming that the term "Indonesia" Bastian's creation. Opinion that is not true that, among others listed in Encyclopedie van Nederlandsch-Indie in 1918. Yet Bastian adopted the term "Indonesia" was from the writings of Logan.

Son of the motherland who first used the term "Indonesia" is Suwardi Suryaningrat (Ki Hajar Dewantara). When the exhaust to Holland in 1913 he established a bureau of the press with a Press-bureau Indonesische.

Political meaning

In the 1920s, the name "Indonesia" which is a scientific term in ethnology and geography was taken over by the leaders of our country's independence movement, thus the name "Indonesia" finally has a political meaning, namely the identity of a people who fight for freedom! As a result the Dutch government began to get suspicious and wary of using words that Logan's creation.

In the year 1922 at the initiative of Mohammad Hatta, a student Handels Hoogeschool (Higher School of Economics) in Rotterdam, students and student organizations in the Netherlands East Indies (which was formed in 1908 under the name of the Indische Vereeniging) Vereeniging changed its name to Indonesische or Perhimpoenan Indonesia. Their magazine, the Indian Poetra, renamed the Independence of Indonesia.

Bung Hatta emphasized in his writings, "The State of Free Indonesia, which will come (Vrije toekomstige Indonesische de staat) impossible is called" Dutch East Indies. " It is also not "Indian" only, because it may cause confusion with the original Indian. For us the name of Indonesia declares a political goal (a political een Doel), due to symbolize and aspire to a homeland in the future, and to realize every one of Indonesia (Indonesians) will try with all the power and ability. "

Meanwhile, in the homeland Dr. Sutomo Indonesische Study Club founded in 1924. That same year the United Communists renamed Indian Indonesian Communist Party (PKI). Then in 1925 established scouting Jong Islamieten Bond Nationaal Indonesische Padvinderij (Natipij). That's the three organizations in the country which first used the name "Indonesia". Finally the name "Indonesia" was crowned as the name of homeland, nation and our language on the density-Pemoedi Pemoeda Indonesia on October 28, 1928, which we now call the Youth Pledge.

In August 1939 three members of the Volksraad (People's Council; era Dutch Parliament), Muhammad Husni Thamrin, Wiwoho Purbohadidjojo, and Sutardjo Kartohadikusumo, filed a motion to the Government of the Netherlands to the name "Indonesia" was established as a replacement name "Nederlandsch-Indie." But the stubborn Dutch so that this motion be rejected outright.

So God's will was valid. With the collapse of our country into the hands of Japan on March 8, 1942, gone are the name of the Dutch East Indies for ever. Then on August 17, 1945, the blessings of God Almighty, born of the Republic of Indonesia.

History of Russia

Россия) begins with the migration of nations known as the Scandinavian nations, led by prominent Varangia semilegendaris Rurik who crossed the Baltic Sea and in the year 862 AD entered the city of Novgorod and reign there. In 882 he conquered Kiev, Slavia town that grew into the center of trade between Scandinavia and Constantinople. In 989 Vladimir I expand its territory up to the Caucasus and the Black Sea and took the teachings of the Greek Orthodox Church. Kingdom of Kiev Russia expires after the Mongol attack in 1237 by Batu Khan, grandson of Genghis Khan.

Furthermore, the Mongols were defeated by Dimitri Donskoy in 1380 with a victory in the Kulikovo. Then the regions that are reunited scattered by Ivan IV; he conquered Kazan (1552), Astrakhan (1516) and master Siberia. Government continued by his successors until the Romanov dynasty to the throne that begins with the appointment of Michael Romanov as czar (1613). Romanov dynasty ruled for 304 years until the year 1917 by Tsar Nicholas II as the last tsar. In February 1917 the Provisional Government was formed under Prince Lyvov and Alexander Kerensky until October 25, 1917, when the government is replaced by the Government of the Bolshevik Revolution, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

In subsequent periods, the dictatorial rule followed by Josef Stalin (1922) who embodies the Soviet Union (Soviet means Council) with the merger of the countries around Russia. Ended after the Soviet government on December 25, 1991 President Mikhail Gorbachev resigned and the three-color Russian flag waving in the Kremlin. "

/ Forum.berani.co.id /

soccer history

According to Bill Murray, an expert on football history, in his book The World Game: A History of Soccer, football has been played since the beginning of AD. At that time, people in the era of Ancient Egypt already know the game and kicked the ball took a bundle of cloth made of linen. History of Ancient Greece also noted there was a game called episcuro, using a ball game. Evidence is illustrated in reliefs on the walls of the museum that depicts a young boy holding a round ball and play it with your thighs.

Football team also mentioned coming from mainland China. In a military document mentioned, since 206 BC, during the reign of Tsin and Han Dynasty, people had played the ball game called tsu chu. Tsu means "hit the ball with his feet." While chu, meaning "a ball of leather and there is content." They played ball made of animal skins by the way kicked and shoved into a net that stretched on two poles.

Japan did not want to miss. Since the 8th century, it is said people are familiar with this game. They call it over here. Ball made of deer skins filled with air.

Interestingly, there is a legend in the Middle Ages. It was said at that time, the whole village take one game ball. The ball is made of the skull, kicked one between the citizen towards the neighboring village. Then, by the receiver the ball in the village, followed the ball was kicked into the next village.


Jumat, 18 Juni 2010

History of British Kings

n the book The History
of the Kings of Britain, Geoffrey of Monmouth reviewed in detail
history of English society, from Brutus in the second century BC until the Saxons 12
invaded in the 7th century AD Of the major characters of this book, Brutus, Bellinus,
and Arthur, Geoffrey described the triumph of England in the past,
recalling the events in accordance with the order and provide
description of the details, particularly the strategy to build the UK.

Geoffrey sources still need proof. As
Geoffrey said at the opening of his book, he wrote this book
based on the ancient and reliable source of gotten from a friend.
Lack of evidence supporting the statement, coupled with the elements
contained in the supernatural
History of the Kings of Britain, makes the modern reader
hard to believe fully that this book is a part of history
England. Nevertheless, this paper is rich with historical value, the reader
can attract a lot of conclusions about the political structure and shape
community that make up the UK according to how people look first.
Emphasis on politics, war and international relations that shape
rough picture of the UK power system and the long story of the characters on
it provides input to the readers about the life of nobles

The History of the
Kings of Britain are entitled to extra points for the literary value
than its historical value. Meanwhile Geoffrey consider themselves as
historians, art talent, fluency and vocabulary used diversity,
makes this book a literary work is fascinating. Especially on the key
(Relating to Arthur), Geoffrey told with beautiful and detailed
so that his writing comes alive.

In the end, Geoffrey wrote this book to be read in
heart, not with a bang. Although
could not resist the temptation to praise his idol figures, Geoffrey fixed
are sensitive, so give plenty of room for his readers. In
of which is to provide a blank line so that readers can complete
his version of the story.

The History of the
Kings of Britain is a revered literary works and books
on the history of the famous. The advantage of this book is a thorough description
at each occurrence and the style
writing that is easy to digest. An admirable effort to introduce
English history, because this book also tells the legend at the time of greatness


التاريخ العربي

غضون بضع سنوات ، وهو في المؤسسة الرائدة للمملكة الوهابية من الثالث إلى المملكة العربية السعودية Mamlakah القاعدة Saudiyyah القاعدة Arabiyyah (المملكة العربية السعودية ، المملكة العربية السعودية اليوم). وقتل هذا الفرع 400 000 حياة المسلمين ، وجعل العجز الدائم أخرى 350،000 شخص في طموحها لتأسيس المملكة العربية السعودية.

لا تستند الكتابة على الكراهية من الطائفة الوهابية من المملكة العربية السعودية والمملكة التي حققت نجاحا لتقسيم الدول العربية إلى قطع حتى الآن. وkeberhasilanya إذلال العالم الإسلامي منذ إنشائها حتى اليوم. ومع ذلك ، وأكثر اعتمادا على روح حرية الفكر الذي يواجه معارضة شديدة من جانب تعاليم الوهابية والمعجبين من هذا المذهب.

الوهابية الإسلام ليس فقط للعدو ، ولكن بسبب روحه المتسامحة التي كانت مزعجة جدا لجعل هذا الفرع وأصبح عدو الإنسانية الشاملة التمسك بروح من حرية الفكر والرأي والدين وberkepercayaan (عبادة / الفرع).
ووفقا للدكتور سعيد الرقم الوهابية حواء في كتابه "الاسلام في الفصل كما thilu Shahadatain ماء yub (الفصل الأول) الذي نشرته الرياض دار الإفتاء في المملكة العربية السعودية وقال ان" الديمقراطية "هو نموذج واحد من الشرك الذي يلغي شخص Shahadatain ، في مكتب تقييس الاتصالات الكتاب المبين 21 حالة التي إلغاء Shahadat. دون أن يوضح من أي وقت مضى كيف أن قانون تأسيس المملكة..؟ الكتاب الثاني سعيد حواء المثير للجدل "الإسلام وجند الله (جيش الله) سمعت تم نشره في ترجمة الاندونيسية ، والتي أصبح الكتاب من اندونيسيا الوهابيين المرجة.

من خلال معرفة تاريخ وخلفية لتأسيس الوهابية سوف نكون قادرين على رسم خيط أحمر بين "الإرهاب الذي والوهابية". والواقع أيضا أن جميع الإرهابيين الإسلاميين هم الوهابيون.

عدد من الحركات والمنظمات في إندونيسيا ، التي وضعت هذا الفكر كفكر والنموذج في الواقع ، جدا ، وخطير جدا للمفاصل الوحدة الوطنية والأمن القومي ، على الرغم من جميع هذه الدول تقريبا لا نريد من أي وقت مضى إلى القول انهم الوهابيين. عسكر الجهاد هو Ahlusunnah جامع وول `كان منشقة طالبان أيضا ليست مستعدة للقول الوهابيين.

وقال ان واشنطن بوست مايو 2006 في إطار تقرير فريدوم هاوس من مؤسسة البحوث تردد عن إجراء تغييرات في المناهج الدراسية في المدارس درس في المدارس التي تعلم عن المملكة العربية السعودية المذهب الوهابي التعصب ، والحكومة إعادة النظر في المملكة العربية السعودية. ومع ذلك ، بعد البحث وجدت perubahanya القليل جدا. تسع نقاط خلافية لا تزال موجودة ، من بين أمور أخرى ، على الطلاب يتعلمون ليكونوا اصدقاء مع غير المسلمين ، والشيعة Shufi مجموعات على النحو المذكور الشرك (شرك أهل) وما إلى ذلك. (Www.freedomhouse.org مركز الحرية الدينية). على التعليم من الكراهية التي لا يمكن أن تضيع في جيل واحد فقط.

في هذه الورقة ، لم أكن مناقشة المواد التعليمية قضية Wahhabiyyah ، ولكن أكثر تركيزا على "تاريخ مظلم ووحشي" من هذه الطائفة في طموحه لتأسيس sekterian الدولة الملكية Absulut "إن المملكة العربية السعودية" -- Mamlakah القاعدة Arabiyyah Saudiyyah القاعدة. بيم - fokusan على تشكيل المملكة العربية السعودية لأن هذا بالإضافة إلى طفل "للدولة غير شرعية وعلاقة الحب بين الزعماء الدينيين والسياسيين" التي هي مثيرة للاهتمام لدراسة ، وكذلك في المملكة العربية السعودية هناك دولة الحجاز (مكة المكرمة والمدينة المنورة) ومستعمرة السعودية منذ عام 1924.
بالاضافة الى عدم حقل كتبت عن مسألة العقيدة الدينية وjurisprodensi.

سيف التاريخ والدم والروح ، وأنها لم تقدم الحكومة الملكية الحاكمة السعودية بالحرج من تاريخه الماضي ، ولكنها خلدت بفخر في الشعار الرسمي للدولة
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في غضون بضع سنوات ، وهو في المؤسسة الرائدة للمملكة الوهابية من الثالث إلى المملكة العربية السعودية Mamlakah القاعدة Saudiyyah القاعدة Arabiyyah (المملكة العربية السعودية ، المملكة العربية السعودية اليوم). وقتل هذا الفرع 400 000 حياة المسلمين ، وجعل العجز الدائم أخرى 350،000 شخص في طموحها لتأسيس المملكة العربية السعودية.

لا تستند الكتابة على الكراهية من الطائفة الوهابية من المملكة العربية السعودية والمملكة التي حققت نجاحا لتقسيم الدول العربية إلى قطع حتى الآن. وkeberhasilanya إذلال العالم الإسلامي منذ إنشائها حتى اليوم. ومع ذلك ، وأكثر اعتمادا على روح حرية الفكر الذي يواجه معارضة شديدة من جانب تعاليم الوهابية والمعجبين من هذا المذهب.

الوهابية الإسلام ليس فقط للعدو ، ولكن بسبب روحه المتسامحة التي كانت مزعجة جدا لجعل هذا الفرع وأصبح عدو الإنسانية الشاملة التمسك بروح من حرية الفكر والرأي والدين وberkepercayaan (عبادة / الفرع).
ووفقا للدكتور سعيد الرقم الوهابية حواء في كتابه "الاسلام في الفصل كما thilu Shahadatain ماء yub (الفصل الأول) الذي نشرته الرياض دار الإفتاء في المملكة العربية السعودية وقال ان" الديمقراطية "هو نموذج واحد من الشرك الذي يلغي شخص Shahadatain ، في مكتب تقييس الاتصالات الكتاب المبين 21 حالة التي إلغاء Shahadat. دون أن يوضح من أي وقت مضى كيف أن قانون تأسيس المملكة..؟ الكتاب الثاني سعيد حواء المثير للجدل "الإسلام وجند الله (جيش الله) سمعت تم نشره في ترجمة الاندونيسية ، والتي أصبح الكتاب من اندونيسيا الوهابيين المرجة.

من خلال معرفة تاريخ وخلفية لتأسيس الوهابية سوف نكون قادرين على رسم خيط أحمر بين "الإرهاب الذي والوهابية". والواقع أيضا أن جميع الإرهابيين الإسلاميين هم الوهابيون.

عدد من الحركات والمنظمات في إندونيسيا ، التي وضعت هذا الفكر كفكر والنموذج في الواقع ، جدا ، وخطير جدا للمفاصل الوحدة الوطنية والأمن القومي ، على الرغم من جميع هذه الدول تقريبا لا نريد من أي وقت مضى إلى القول انهم الوهابيين. عسكر الجهاد هو Ahlusunnah جامع وول `كان منشقة طالبان أيضا ليست مستعدة للقول الوهابيين.

وقال ان واشنطن بوست مايو 2006 في إطار تقرير فريدوم هاوس من مؤسسة البحوث تردد عن إجراء تغييرات في المناهج الدراسية في المدارس درس في المدارس التي تعلم عن المملكة العربية السعودية المذهب الوهابي التعصب ، والحكومة إعادة النظر في المملكة العربية السعودية. ومع ذلك ، بعد البحث وجدت perubahanya القليل جدا. تسع نقاط خلافية لا تزال موجودة ، من بين أمور أخرى ، على الطلاب يتعلمون ليكونوا اصدقاء مع غير المسلمين ، والشيعة Shufi مجموعات على النحو المذكور الشرك (شرك أهل) وما إلى ذلك. (Www.freedomhouse.org مركز الحرية الدينية). على التعليم من الكراهية التي لا يمكن أن تضيع في جيل واحد فقط.

في هذه الورقة ، لم أكن مناقشة المواد التعليمية قضية Wahhabiyyah ، ولكن أكثر تركيزا على "تاريخ مظلم ووحشي" من هذه الطائفة في طموحه لتأسيس sekterian الدولة الملكية Absulut "إن المملكة العربية السعودية" -- Mamlakah القاعدة Arabiyyah Saudiyyah القاعدة. بيم - fokusan على تشكيل المملكة العربية السعودية لأن هذا بالإضافة إلى طفل "للدولة غير شرعية وعلاقة الحب بين الزعماء الدينيين والسياسيين" التي هي مثيرة للاهتمام لدراسة ، وكذلك في المملكة العربية السعودية هناك دولة الحجاز (مكة المكرمة والمدينة المنورة) ومستعمرة السعودية منذ عام 1924.
بالاضافة الى عدم حقل كتبت عن مسألة العقيدة الدينية وjurisprodensi.

سيف التاريخ والدم والروح ، وأنها لم تقدم الحكومة الملكية الحاكمة السعودية بالحرج من تاريخه الماضي ، ولكنها خلدت بفخر في الشعار الرسمي للدولة


Australian History

Brief Introduction
Much had changed in Australia since its original inhabitants known as the Australian Aboriginals living in complex social systems, with a tradition that reflects a strong relationship with soil water and the environment. Since that time until the arrival of the first European explorers, the convicts, free settlers and the more recently arrived immigrants, Australia has experienced periods of depression, war and political scandals; create a dynamic cities and legends of 'the bush' (inland) as well ' Aussie battler '(fighters Australia); providing new life for people from all over the world; and has decreased and cultural revival of the original population.

History Before the 20th century
Australia's original inhabitants, known as the Australian Aborigines, have the longest cultural history of the world, since the last glacial epoch. Although the mystery and debate obscures many aspects of Australian prehistory, it is generally recognized that the first humans traveled across the sea from Indonesia about 70,000 years ago.

Europeans began to explore Australia in the 16th century: first the Portuguese navigator, followed by Dutch explorers and entrepreneurs as well, followed by the English pirate William Dampier. Captain James Cook sailed through the entire length of the east coast in 1770, stopping at Botany Bay in the middle of his journey, and shortly later he claimed the continent for England and named it New South Wales.

In 1779, Joseph Banks (a naturalist in the fleet of Captain Cook) proposed a way for England can overcome the density problem in its prisons by sending convicts to New South Wales. In 1787, the first fleet set sail for Botany Bay, comprising 11 ships and 750 men and women inmates. This fleet arrived on January 26, 1788, but soon moved north to Sydney Cove, which owns the land and water better. For these newcomers, New South Wales is hot, loud and bad, and the threat of starvation haunt this colony for many years. For governments struggling against nature and full of pressure, people are forming a new Australian culture became the foundation of the legend 'Aussie battler'.

Within a few decades later, came the free settlers who were attracted to Australia, but the discovery of gold in 1850-anlah that permanently change the colony. Large immigrant flows, and several large gold discoveries encourage economic growth and changing social structures in the colony. Aboriginal people forcibly displaced from their tribal lands, while the settlers seized the land for farming or mining.

In the late 19th century, many people who glorify the outback or 'the bush' (ie the region far from the city) and its people. Great forum for 'nationalism outback' is a very popular Bulletin magazine. The pages were filled with humor and sentiment of everyday life and is the author of the famous outback legend Henry Lawson and 'Banjo' Paterson.

Twentieth Century History
Nagara when Australia became a federation of the separate colonies formed on January 1, 1901. Australian troops fought alongside the British in the Boer War and the PDI. This country hit hard by the Depression, when prices for wool and wheat (two main products in the economy) fell. In 1931, nearly a third of a breadwinner becomes unemployed, and poverty was widespread. However, in the year 1933, the Australian economy began to recover. When WWII broke out, Australian army also fought alongside the British in Europe, but the United States who helped protect Australia from the advancing Japanese air forces, with their defeat in the Battle of the Coral Sea.

After WWII came the flow of immigration from Europe, which made a great contribution to the country, revive the culture and broadens the view of Australia. Post-war era was a boom time in Australia, because of the high demand for raw materials. Australia followed the United States in the Korean War, and in 1965 sent troops to help U.S. in the Vietnam War, though support for Australian involvement is not comprehensive. The problem for many youths in Australia is compulsory military adopted in 1964.

Riots due to military conscription was one factor rising Australian Labor Party (Labor Party) to the level of power in 1972, under the leadership of Gough Whitlam. Whitlam Government of Australia's troop withdrawal from Vietnam, eliminating the cost of higher education and national service, implementing the health care system that is free and available to the public, and to support land rights for Aboriginal people.

However, this government got opposition from the Senate and the development issues of mismanagement. November 11, 1975, the governor-general (representing the British monarch in Australia), dissolved parliament and form a caretaker government led by the chairman of the Liberal Party, Malcolm Fraser. This step will be the first conducted by the governor general. The Liberal party's conservative coalition with National Homeland Party wins the next election. New Labour government back in 1983, when former union leader, Bob Hawke, won his party.

Australia's modern history and contemporary
Having served for 11 years in government, the Australian Liberal Party led by John Howard did not re-elected in elections 2007.Dari Labor Party, Kevin Rudd was sworn in as Prime Minister for Australia's number-26 on 3 December 2007.

Australia has a two-tier system of parliamentary government, based on the Westminster system. There are three levels of government: federal, state and local levels. The federal parliament consists of the Council of Representatives (House of Representatives) and Senate. The party that occupies most of the seats in the House of Representatives will set up a government. For more information, visit the web site http://australia.gov.au/about-australia/our-government

In the last half of the 20th century, a part of Australian culture and history of the lesser known began to emerge and gain wider recognition, especially through art, literature and film, and as a result, the icons 'battler' become increasingly less relevant. Immigrants bring stories, cultures and myths of their own, to mingle with those of colonial Australia. There's also the long-awaited recognition, namely the Australian Aborigines are the true fundamentals of the definition of national culture today.

'Great Australian Dream' of a house, which began in the golden era in the 1950s, continued and resulted in massive suburbanisasi Australian cities, particularly in Sydney and Melbourne. Australian architecture today does not really have a distinctive style, and trends from abroad often dominate large development projects. In many ways, building a 'modern' the most interesting is actually a recycled Victorian building or from another era. Yet still there are exceptions, and the famous, among others Convention Centre in Darling Harbour Sydney, Melbourne Museum and Cultural Centre at Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park in the middle of Australia, which was designed in consultation with the traditional owners of such nature preserve. Melbourne's Federation Square complex, with sharp geometric shapes, reflecting the challenging modern architecture, right in the heart of the city.

The current economic soundness is evident from the relatively high Australian dollar, increased trade with China and several high profits and a record of local businesses. All this coupled with inflation and low unemployment figures. However, the downside is the country's trade deficit increased to $ 20 billion, household debt average is soaring and housing prices in urban centers are increasingly unaffordable.


Kamis, 17 Juni 2010

Detection of Gifted and Talented

Law on National Education System mandates, among others, that "citizens who have the potential of intelligence and special talents are entitled to special education" (Article 5, paragraph 4). In addition, also said that "every student at every educational unit entitled to receive educational services according to their talents, interests and abilities" (article 12, paragraph 1b). This certainly is exciting news for citizens who have special talents and special level of intelligence to get the best education services.

Many references are made that the world is around 10-15% in terms of gifted children have intelligence or remarkable advantages when compared with children of his age. Advantages they can appear in one or more of the following signs:

• Ability general intelligence is very high, usually characterized by the acquisition of very high intelligence tests, eg IQ above 120.

• special talents in certain fields, such as the fields of language, math, art, and others. This is usually indicated by special achievements in these areas.

• High Creativity in thinking, the ability to find new ideas.

• Ability to lead a prominent, namely the ability to direct and influence others to act in accordance with group expectations.

• special achievements in the arts or other fields, such as music, drama, dance, painting, and others.

In this modern-day parents are increasingly aware that education is one of the basic needs that can not be bargained. Therefore also not surprising that more and more parents who feel the need to quickly put their children to school from an early age. They really hope that their children "is fast becoming smarter." Meanwhile, many parents into a panic and anxiety if you notice any symptoms or behaviors that are different from children his age. For example, there are already three years old child can read fluently like a child aged seven years; or there is a new child is five years old but his way of thinking like adults, and others. May happen that the symptoms and the "strange behavior" of children was a sign that children have special abilities. Thus it seems necessary for teachers and parents can detect early signs of exceptional ability in children so that children who have the talent and ability isitimewa like that can be given adequate educational services.

From an early age can already see the possibility that the child has a special talent. For example there are children who only two years old but will prefer a toy tools for children aged 6-7 years; or children aged three years but has been able to read books intended for children aged 7-8 years. They will be very happy if I get service like they expected.

Children who have special talents often have developmental stages that are not in unison. He may live in various ages of development, for example: a three-year-old child, when he's playing like his age, but if you read like 10-year-old child, when doing math as children aged 12 years, and if you talk like five year olds. Need to understand is that gifted children are generally not only learned more quickly, but also often use a different way from friends of his age. It is not uncommon to make teachers in schools experiencing a difficult, often even bother with such children. In addition, special gifted children typically have the ability to receive large amounts of information at once. If he has received little information so it will quickly become "thirst" for information.

In classes kindergarten or elementary school gifted children often do not show an outstanding achievement. Instead they show behavior that is less pleasant, for example: his writing is not organized, easily bored with the way teachers teach, too fast to complete the task but less thorough, and so forth. That interest and attention is sometimes precisely the things that are not taught in class. Posts gifted children are often less regularly because of the differences between the development of cognitive development (understanding, mind), and motor development, in this case the movement of hands and fingers to write. Development of mind much faster than motor development. Similarly, there is often a difference between cognitive development and language development, so that he becomes a little stutter speak her mind faster than the tools to speak in his mouth.

Given that gifted children have the ability and interests very different from children's peers, it is rather difficult if gifted children entered on the traditional school, mix with other children. In classes like that will happen two losses, namely:

(1) gifted children will be frustrated by not getting the service required, and

(2) teacher and her classmates would be very disturbed by the behavior of gifted children earlier.

Several possibilities gifted children's services can be done in the following manner:

1) Holding a special accelerated program for gifted children. Accelerated program can be done by "jumping classes," meaning that children from Kindergarten eg class I do not have to go through elementary school, but for example directly to class II, or even to class III Elementary School. Similarly, class III Elementary School could have been straight to class V if it is ripe for he will teach his son. So the accelerated program may be made to:

(1) all subjects, or so called accelerated classes, or
(2) acceleration to a few subjects only. In the accelerated program for all subjects means that the child does not need to take classes in a row, but can skip a particular class, for example, elementary school first graders went up to class III. Accelerated program can also only be applied to subjects that are outside the ordinary. For example, elementary school first graders talented at maths, so she is allowed take math in grade III, but other lessons remain in class I. Likewise, if there are children at second grade of elementary school is very advanced in the field of English, it should follow English lessons in class V or VI.

2) Home-schooling (non-formal education outside of school). If the school objected to the talented children's services using a model of accelerated class or subject acceleration, then the other ways that can be taken is to provide additional education at home / outside school, which is often called a home-schooled. In the home-schooling parents or experts appointed to make a special program in accordance with the special talents of children concerned. At one point if the child is ready to return to school, so he could have returned to school on a particular class that match the developmental level.

3) Holding the traditional classes, individualized approaches. In this model, usually the number of children per class should be very limited, so the attention of teachers to individual differences can still be quite adequate, for example, maximum 20 children. Each child is encouraged to learn according to their own rhythm. Children who are very advanced given the task and materials more and more deeply than other children; a little slow on the contrary children are given the materials and tasks appropriate to developmental level. Similarly, teachers must be prepared with a variety of materials that may be selected by the child to learn. Teachers in this case becomes extremely busy by giving individual attention to children of different levels of development and learning rhythm.

4) Establish a special class for gifted children. In this case the children who have the talents / abilities more or less the same is collected and given special education that is different from traditional classes for children age. Classes like this one should be a small class where individualized approaches precedence over classical approaches. A special class gifted children should have their own special curriculum designed in accordance with the needs of gifted children. Pembelajarannyapun evaluation system and must be made in accordance with their needs.

Gifted children often prefer to associate with children who are older in terms of age, especially those with excellence in fields of interest. For example, there is a class II primary school children who love to play chess with the grown-ups, because if he was playing with his peers seemed less balanced. In this case the parents and teachers should memakluminya and let it go that far no other adverse developments.

In the family even the parents should find a friend that works for gifted children so that she does not feel lonely in his life. If he does not get a friend that match, then not infrequently parents and families, their association became friends. Gifted children generally prefer to ask things that are answered in depth than the things small and trivial. Ability of parents and families to get along with talented children will greatly assist their development.


Summary Of Myths Around Pregnancy

Usually when we get pregnant, there arose various "advice" that smells
and don'ts. This should not, be it, and so forth.
In fact, often it's just a myth.

"Well, the baby must be women. You see, since you're so happy pregnant
dressed. First mbakyumu too. Anyway, guess she did not
never missed, deh! "said a woman aged about prospective grandchildren.

It turned out that guess was right. The birth of a baby female
petite and pretty. "See, right, right, Grandmother said." You are already
women looked after in your mother's womb, "said the grandmother
holding happy grandson.

Is it true that pregnant women who likes to primp a sign he would
gave birth to baby girl? Meanwhile, pregnant women tend to be lazy
and unwilling would dress up baby boy?

Medically speaking, of course it has nothing to do. Because the
determine the baby was a boy or girl's father is the sperm. But,
his name is also myth, legitimate force in society. Which
clearly, the myth has grown by word of mouth and eventually tend
trusted as truth.

After all, we can not believe it. Any restrictions or recommendations,
still need a reason. Moreover, today we can
pregnancy problems consult a physician or midwife. "Mother
The young will not find in books or dictionaries, "said dr. Judi
Januadi Endjun, Sp.OG, from the Gatot Subroto Army Hospital.

Well, what are the common myths we heard and how
a common sense explanation and also medical?


* A pregnant woman and her husband were forbidden to kill animals. For, if
was carried out, can cause fetal defects in accordance with
action. Certainly not the case. That's just superstition alone.
But, keep in mind, to kill or torture an animal is
act which can not be justified.

* Do not close the holes, like an ant hole because it would
complicate the delivery process. Difficult delivery of course not
determined it. As we all know, the delivery process depends
in 3P (power, passage, passanger). The delivery process could walk
smoothly if all three components are in good condition. Infant size
(Passanger) not too big to get through the birth canal (passage).
Supported by the contraction (power) so that regular and effective
able to open the birth canal.

* Must wear strap / black yarn around the abdomen above the womb
so that the baby did not rise again situated so that the process
labor can walk lancar.Agar clearly understood, the position of baby
experienced stages. Will head into the pelvic cavity
before and during the birth process.

* Pregnant women are advised to install a small scissors or small knife
clothing in order to avoid a marabahaya.Yang hazards fetuses precisely
when a pair of scissors or small knife pierced the skin's mother. Right, right?

* Pin-sided nail or a small bag of garlic on
clothes in order to avoid interference kuntilanak.Wah, that is,
clearly superstition. One-one nail may injure the mother.

* Pregnant women are prohibited from wrapping a towel around his neck so that the child
not contain any clear pusat.Ini coiled cord making it up because
there was no link between a towel around his neck with your baby in

Medical explanation, as explained by dr. Gambling, hyperactivity
baby movement, allegedly could cause the cord loops because
her mother was too active. So, do not be surprised if there are recommendations for pregnant women
already taking a month off before delivery. It is expected that the mother did not
too tired, so things did not happen before the unexpected
labor. And can prepare all the logistics for the baby and mother

* In order for current delivery, at the Ceremony 7 Monthly, expectant mothers and prospective
asked his father passed the fish / eel through the fabric sheath that bears
mothers. If the fish / eel out smoothly (not related), sign
delivery will be smooth. Of course it's not true. Because, like
already mentioned above, the current least a birth process
depends on fetal weight, power to push the mother, and the birth canal.
If all support each other, certainly unpredictable current.

* If there is to loosen all the rope in the house, delivery will
running smoothly. Which is also absurd. The truth, if the mother
using loose clothing (without the strings that tie), he will
feel more comfortable. "So it makes it convenient
relaxed through pregnancy and birth welcomed, "said dr. Judi.

* Tabu if already preparing baby before the baby is born. Ah,
right. It would be troublesome if all new equipment purchased
when his baby was born. To be sure, do not be too extravagant first.
So, who put up only things that are absolutely necessary in
number of taste.

* If pregnant women primp so happy that her baby would be born,
perempuan.Ini sex was not completely correct. Indeed, congenital
pregnant women varies. Some prefer to dress to impress
neat. There is a lazy primp for abdominal fat is enough
make trouble and swelter.

What is clear, male or female is determined by the father's sperm. If
X chromosome from the father's sperm meets with X chromosomes from the egg cell
mother, the baby certain women. But if the Y chromosome from
father's sperm meets with the X chromosome from the egg, the baby

* If the form of the mother during pregnancy tapering abdomen, she will give birth
baby boy. Meanwhile, if circular, which will be born baby girl.
Ah, this one's just grandma just said. On first pregnancy, abdominal
tend to be rounded on top. "Because the muscles of the abdominal wall is still strong
so as to support the uterus, "said dr. Judi. While in pregnancy
and the subsequent increase in size, weight tends to fall down.
This is due to the abdominal wall muscles have started to sag and not
support it too well.

Can also be caused by the baby's position. "If the cross, we can be sure
maternal abdomen broad, "said dr. Judi. As soon as any amount of fluid
membranes. When numerous, the stomach also seem larger.

* We do not lift clothesline pregnant and do not do the movement
lifted. It is said that if this is done, the rope will be twisted on its head
bayi.Yang right neck, lifting heavy goods, of course not
recommended for pregnant women. It is feared that if he was too tired, will
influence the fetus in his stomach.

* Pregnant women should not be eating with a large plate so that children can not
large. Of course this is ridiculous. Maybe if you eat
with a big plate on the portion of the mother forgot to eat so
he eventually overeat. And of course this is not good, because it will
make a baby is too big.

A good way to eat for pregnant women is a little but often
and contain healthy foods 4 5 perfect.

* Not allowed to eat using a large spoon, so that the baby's lips
mungil.Ini also unreasonable. Whether or not the tiny lips, too
form the eyes, eyebrows, nose, face shape, hair, etc., will
follow the father or mother. Or a combination. In fact, it can be
Just follow your baby's face or hair of her grandparents. What is clear,
God never made two people who looked like a hundred percent.


* Pregnant women are advised to drink coconut oil (one tablespoon per
days) before the birth. This means that the delivery process runs
lancar.Lo, really, drinking oil? Oil, right, is used to
frying. Either that or tempeh crackers. Do not believe ah! All
food element will be broken down in the intestine into amino acids,
glucose, fatty acids, and others so easily absorbed by the intestine.

* Do not drink ice water so that her baby was big. Actually, the
causing a large baby is good and nutritious food factor
descent. Drinking ice was not prohibited, the origin is not an overstatement. Because if
too much, heartburn will feel crowded, and it certainly makes the mother
pregnant feel uncomfortable. Besides all that excess will
not always a good impact. So, is it?

* Do not eat raw fish so that the baby did not smell fishy. New baby
just been born and have not cleaned it smells a little fishy
blood. But this is not because the fish consumed by pregnant women,
but because the aroma (smell) of amniotic fluid. The best, of course
eat cooked fish. Because cleanliness is clear awake than fish

* Do not eat strawberries, because the resulting spots on
bayi.Ini skin clearly nonsense. There was no association patches on the skin
infant with strawberry fruit. Remember, do not eat strawberries
too much, because it can hurt the stomach. Maybe the baby is experiencing
infection while in the womb or in the birth canal, which raised the
patches on the skin.


Polygamy Sunna ... Really?

In fact, throughout his life, Prophet bermonogami longer than polygamy. Imagine, monogamy is the Prophet in the community who think polygamy is common. Household with his wife solo Prophet, Khadija Bint Khuwalid RA, lasted for 28 years. Just then, two years stopped up Khadija, the Prophet's polygamy. That, too, lived only about eight years from the rest of his life. From these calculations, it is not unreasonable statement "polygamy is the sunna."

EXPRESSIONS "polygamy is sunna" is often used as justification for polygamy.
However, take refuge in that statement, actually another form of transfer of responsibility for the claim to be fair because in reality, as affirmed in the Qur'an, justice is very difficult to do (An-Nisa: 129).

Evidence "polygamy is sunna" is usually presented as text back to the Qur'an (Sura An-Nisa, 4: 2-3) are more easily broken. The only verse that speaks of polygamy do not disclose this fact in the context of motivating, let alone appreciate polygamy. This verse has put polygamy in the context of the protection of orphans and widows of war casualties.

From these two paragraphs, some contemporary scholars, like Sheikh Muhammad Abduh, Sheikh Rashid Rida, and Sheikh Muhammad al-Madan - Azhar, Egypt's leading scholars third - would prefer to tighten.

Abduh further states, polygamy is a deviation from normal marital relations and justified only in emergencies syar'i social, such as war, provided no damage and tyranny (Tafsir al-Manar, 4 / 287).

Oddly enough, the verse is for those in the propoligami twisted into "full rights" of men to polygamy. Excuse them, the action was to follow the sunna of the Prophet Muhammad. Becomes laughable when the practice of polygamy is even used as benchmark for Islamic one: the more active the better poisisi polygamy is considered religious. Or, the patient receives a wife polygyny, the better the quality of his faith. Frequent slogans raised for example, "polygamy brings blessing," or "polygamy is beautiful," and more popular is "polygamy is sunna."

In the definition of fiqh, sunnah means the act of a good thing to do. Generally refers to the behavior of the Prophet. However, the practice of polygamy, which dinisbatkan to the Prophet, is clearly very distorsif.

The reason is, if it is considered sunna, why the Prophet did not do it since it was first married?

In fact, throughout his life, Prophet bermonogami longer than polygamy. Imagine, monogamy is the Prophet in the community who think polygamy is common. Household with his wife sole Prophet, Khadija bint Khuwalid RA, lasted for 28 years. Just then, two years stopped up Khadija, the Prophet's polygamy. That, too, lived only about eight years from the rest of his life. From these calculations, it is not unreasonable statement "polygamy is the sunna."

Sunna, as defined Imam Shafi'i (d. 204 AH), is the application of the Prophet towards revelation. In cases of polygamy were manifest Prophet An-Nisa Verses 2-3 of the dead and the protection of widows and orphans. By tracing the book Jami 'al-Usul (a compilation of six books of hadith known) works of Imam Ibn al-Athir (544-606H), we can find no evidence that polygamy prophet is a medium to solve social problems at the time, when the social institutions which have not yet sturdy enough for a solution.

Evidence that the Prophet's marriage to the settlement of social problems can be seen in the hadith texts which discuss the marriages of the Prophet. Most of them are widows die, unless Aisha bint Abu Bakr RA.

In addition, as a historical record of Islamic jurisprudence, the phrase "that polygamy sunna" is also a very big reduction. Marriage, according to jurisprudence, have different legal predicate, subject of the prospective husband, the candidate's wife, or the condition of the community. Marriages can be obligatory, sunna, permissible (be), or merely permitted. In fact, Imam al-allusions in his commentary, Ruh al-Ma'âni, states, the marriage can be forbidden, when the prospective husband knew he would not be able to fulfill the rights of the wife, much less to hurt and harm. So it is with polygamy. Therefore, Muhammad Abduh of Egypt by looking at the conditions at that time, preferring to forbid polygamy.

Prophet and the ban on polygamy
In the book of Ibn al-Athir, who carried out the Prophet's polygamy is an effort of social transformation (see the Jami 'al-Usul, chapters XII, 108-179). The mechanism adopted polygamy prophet is a strategy to improve the position of women in the Arab feudal tradition in the 7th century AD. At that time, the social value of a woman and a widow so low that a man can be married as many as they like.

Conversely, carried the Prophet is to restrict the practice of polygamy, criticized arbitrary behavior, and confirms the necessity to be fair in polygamy.

When the Prophet saw some friends have been married eight to ten women, they were asked to divorce and leaving only four. That is what the Prophet told Ghilan ibn Salamah al-Thaqafi RA, Wahb al-Asadi, and Qais ibn al-Harith. And, this is an explicit statement in which restrictions on the custom of polygamy, initially without limit altogether.

On many occasions, more precisely the Prophet emphasizes the principles of justice have polygamy. In a phrase stated: "Whoever marries two women, while he could not do justice to both, in the later half of his body the next day will be off and disconnected" (Jami 'al-Usul, chapters XII, 168, hadith number: 9049). In fact, on many occasions, the Prophet stressed the importance of being patient and not to irritate his wife.

Hadith texts actually lead to criticism of polygamy, streamlining, and the return on the principles of justice. From this angle, the statement "polygamy is sunna" is contrary to what the Prophet. Especially by looking statements and attitudes of the Prophet which was flatly refused polygamy Ali Ibn Abi Talib RA. Oddly, the text of this tradition is rarely raised among propoligami. In fact, this text is narrated the hadith scholars prominent: Bukhari, Muslim, Turmudzi, and Ibn Majah.

The Prophet SAW was furious when he heard his daughter, Fatima bint Muhammad, would polygamy Ali bin Abi Talib RA. When he heard the plan, the Prophet entered directly into the mosque and climbed the pulpit, and exclaimed: "Some families Banu Hashim ibn al-Mugheerah me to ask permission to marry their daughter to Ali bin Abi Talib. You know, I'm not going to allow, once again not will allow. Really I do not allow, except Ali ibn Abi Talib divorces daughter, kupersilakan marry their daughter. Know, my daughter was part of me, what annoys her feelings are also bothered me, what hurt him was also hurt me. " (Jami 'al-Usul, chapters XII, 162, hadith number: 9026).

Same with the prophet who spoke of Fatima, almost every parent will not be willing, if her daughter dimadu. As the prophet says, polygamy would hurt women, and also hurt them.

If the statement of the Prophet like base, then we can be sure that traditions are not practiced polygamy precisely because it is not desired Prophet. And, Ali ibn Abi Talib RA itself remains bermonogami until the death of Fatima RA.

Polygamy does not need the support of the text
Actually, the practice of polygamy is not a matter of text, a blessing, especially the sunna, but a cultural issue. In understanding the culture, the practice of polygamy can be seen from different social levels.
For the poor or farmers in the agrarian tradition, polygamy is considered as a survival strategy for saving resources management. Without difficulty, polygamy will be obtained through a double labor without wages. This culture is brought migration to the city even though the structure of society has changed. While for the priayi, polygamy was none other than the form pembendamatian women. He disepadankan with the treasure and the throne that is useful to support the improvement of the degree of social man.

From the cultural point of view it becomes clear that polygamy is a process of dehumanization of women. Taking the view of education experts Freire, dehumanization seen in the context where polygamy polygamy when women have self-Beban. They justify, even concur with the actions of polygamy despite suffering physically and spiritually extraordinary. Not least among those who think that suffering is a sacrifice that has been duly served, or polygamy is because the fault.

In demographic terms, the illegal polygamy argument often put forward statistics. That what they do is work to devote to cover the gap population is not balanced between men and women. Of course, this argument is in fact a laughingstock. Because, statistically, although the number of women is slightly higher, but that only happens at age above 65 years old or under 20 years old. Even in the age group 25-29 years, 30-34 years and 45-49 years the number of men is higher. (DKI and the National Census in 2000, thanks to IHS research institute that has been supplying this data).

However, if religious arguments are used, then as the principle which was conceived by the religious texts, the basis of polygamy should be viewed as an emergency road. In fiqh rules, emergencies are allowed. This is the same as eating the carcass; an action that is justified when there is nothing else to eat except the carcass.

In the character of Islamic Jurisprudence, monogamy or polygamy is actually considered the option of partial problems. Legal predicate will follow the conditions of space and time. Behavior of the Prophet himself showed how this problem can be different and change from one condition to another condition. Therefore, the choice of monogamy, polygamy is not something that principle. The principle is the necessity to always refer to the basic principles of sharia, ie justice, to bring benefit and not bring harm or damage (mafsadah).

And, when applicable, to identify the principal values in relation to this practice of polygamy, women should be placed as the subject of determinants of justice. This principle because it is they who directly receive the result of polygamy. And, for the examination of these values must be done empirically, interdisciplinary, and objectively by looking at the effects of the social reality of polygamy in the community.

And, when that measure is applied, as witnessed by Muhammad Abduh, it's going to produce more evil than good. That's why Abduh and then ask for ban on polygamy.

In this context, the text cites Abduh hadith the Prophet: "Not allowed any form of damage (dharar) against themselves or others." (Jâmi'a al-Usul, VII, 412, hadith number: 4926). This expression is certainly more the principle than the statement "polygamy is the sunna."

Abdul Faqihuddin Kodir Lecturers and researchers STAIN Cirebon Cirebon Fahmina Institute, Faculty of Sharia Alumnus University of Damascus, Syria (Original Source

Household Conflict Management

There is no household that is free from conflict. According to the Great Dictionary of Indonesian Language, conflict is a squabble, strife, conflict. In the frame of households, there are many reasons that can cause conflict. Differences in mindset, upbringing, culture, education patterns, etc..

Conflict in the household level can vary from a mild level, until the level of heavy. Starting from only determines what television programs to watch, until the form of child care that will be applied.

However, if managed properly, a conflict will not necessarily be able to create a schism nor a big impact for both partners.

In my opinion, there are two approaches that can be done to be able to manage conflict is a matter that will only add to the goodness in the family.

Prevention of preventive or

First, have the love
Ustadz LC Anis Matta once said that love is a complete acceptance of the couple, including its advantages and disadvantages. That way, we become a realist, that our spouse is not an angel without a disability, no reproach, with complete acceptance of this we can also provide a space large enough to be able to compromise with the existing differences.

Second, with the intention of entering the gates of marriage because God alone
Marriage is one of the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW. By making the basis of religion as one form the foundation of marriage, there is more strength that can withstand turmoil Inshallah conflict.

For this reason, the men diwanti-warned by the Prophet in order to choose a spouse with emphasis on religious factors before the factors of beauty, family, and possessions. Neither the woman's guardian, the scholars warned that they marry off their daughters / who are in perwaliannya, with boys who both have a certain character.

A man once asked Hasan ibn Ali, "I have a daughter. Who would be worthy of her husband by thee?", He replied, 'A man is obedient to God. Because if he likes, he will respect it and if he was angry, he does not like doing injustice to him ". (Fiqh Sunnah, chapter Choosing a Husband)

Third, healthy communication
Communication elements is the presence of the person giving the message, the person receiving the message, the message itself, and both sides understand each message. Is not called a communication, if each party can not understand the messages that are intended by either party.

Openness, honesty and good communication skills as capable of recognizing the condition, situation, time and a good way to convey the message, becomes the key to a healthy communication.

Fourth, understand their respective obligations
Before demanding the right of the pair, berkacalah formerly with the obligations that we should run. A husband should be able to educate, to teach his wife the right to religious education, sufficient, providing a living, love her (put her jealousy), not mendzaliminya, ff. This all requires a good understanding of religion. Prophet once said:

I was closest to his position at the end of the world Had a good person is the most moral and best of you is the best to his family. (Narrated by Al-Rida)

The best of you is the best to his family, and I was the best of you towards my family. People who praise women is a noble person, and those who insulted the woman is a person who does not know the reason. (Narrated by Abu 'Asaakir)

Among the obligations of a husband that is,
Hakim Ibn Muawiyah, from his father Radliyallaahu 'anhu said: I said: Messenger of Allah, whether someone from our obligations towards his wife? He replied: "You feed her when you eat, you give him clothes if you get dressed, do not hit your face, do not be disparaged, and do not accompany sleep except in the house." Narrated by Ahmad, Abu Dawood, Nisaa'i, and Ibn Majah. Most of the hadith was narrated by Bukhari and assessed mu'allaq saheeh by Ibn Hibban and Judge.

Similarly with a wife who shalehah, can be nice, obedient to her husband for not engage in immoral to Allah SWT, to keep his honor, and trust if her husband was not with him.

Allah 'Azza wajalla says (in a hadith Qudsi): "If I wanted to combine the goodness of the world and the hereafter for a Muslim then I will make a lot of heart and tongue solemn remembrance. He was impatient in the face of suffering and I joined him with a wonderful wife who mukminah when he looked at it, can preserve the honor of him, and preserve her husband's property when her husband was not with him. (Narrated Ath-Thahawi)

However, a wedding is not a rigid interaction between the rights and obligations, but must also be flexible, supple, and this requires kepahaman each spouse.

Fifth, understand the character, traits, attitudes and preferences of your partner
Steven Covey in the book Seven Habit for Highly Efective Browse include one of the criteria for an effective person, that is seek first to understand, than to be understood, understand others first, before asking others to understand you.

Each individual is unique, there is no equal. Even within one keluargapun, between the brothers do not necessarily have the character, nature and liking the same. Therefore, understanding the character, nature and the couple's favorite of course be essential.

Find out what he likes, which he did not like, that pleased him, which he hated, that made him happy, which made him angry, and so on. And compromise it by your self.

Sixth, give thanks
However the condition of your spouse, be grateful, because it could be he was the most appropriate partner for you. Do not "look to the right-left" when there are things that are less in pairs, are equally correct, mutual introspection, eager to increase the good in each, also on your spouse yourself.

Or curative treatment
Once conflict, several points below may be useful,

First, hold the anger
Resentful, disappointed, and angry, are examples of other forms of channeling emotions. Anger is not prohibited, especially if it is because right reasons, at the right place, at the time / the right moment, to the right people, and with a proportional level.

Emotions had to be channeled, but sometimes, there are several other ways better than channeling it through anger.

A friend said to the Prophet, "O Messenger of Allah, berpesanlah to me." Prophet says, "Do not like angry (emotion)." Friend was asked repeatedly and repeatedly fixed the Prophet says, "Do not like mad." (Narrated by Bukhari)

Some ways you can do to reduce the anger that is displaced (eg, from sitting to standing), ablutions, and read ta'awudz (audzubillahiminassyaitannirrajim).

Holding anger is not easy, hence Rasulullah SAW said,

"Strong people are not people who win wrestling, but the strong man is one who can restrain himself when angry." (Peace be upon Muttafaq.)

Second, if emotions, resist themselves from taking decisions which might be regretted

If anyone of you are angry, let silence. (Narrated by Ahmad)

We certainly do not want to regret a decision that resulted in conditions that are full of emotion, because at this moment, we are a mind does not function properly. With the same argument, there are some scholars who declared invalid divorce a husband in anger.

Calm yourself first, clear his mind, cool head, so the decision was not a regret in the future.

Third, self-correction
Do not easily blame the other party, try self-correction, too, could be, the conflict caused by our participation in it.

Fourth, give good advice
By period. Behold, the man really is in loss, Except those who believe and do righteous deeds and exhort one another to adhere to truth and exhort one another to fulfill patience. (Surat al-'Asyr: 1-3)

Above letter talking about the relationship of interaction with all Muslims, including also for our partners.

If any negligence / mistake / error, a reprimand would be more beautiful if that came out of good advice, with good words, and with good ways.

How can we say with words that are not good to our own spouse, is to those non-Muslims and the opponents of God alone, Allah has commanded us to say with a good way?

Fifth, if you need to use violence
Women who ye fear rebellion, admonish them and separate them in their beds, and beat them. Then if they obey, and ye shall find one's way to him. Indeed, Allah Most High, Most Great. (Surat An-Nisa ': 34)

At the level of conflict is heavy, and difficult to resolve, sometimes conflict can be resolved with firmness.

There are steps that must be executed, advised in advance, after you can not, do separate bed (but still in a same house), if still not possible, beat, with a blow that left no trace and not in the face. These stages should not be made to jump over the previous stages.

But from various sirah / history of the Prophet that I read, it looks like I have never found this example. This means that indeed a solution like this, only for a very casuistic.

The only example of the penalty by force I have ever read from the Prophet that when the Prophet Job, the U.S. must carry out his vow to beat his wife 100 times, but it is also using the grass, which certainly will not be how sick.

And take in your hand a bundle (of grass), then beat with it and do not violate the oath. Truly We found him (Job) of a patient. He was the best of servants. Indeed she is very obedient (to Allah). (Surah Sad: 44)

Sixth, third party
And if ye fear a dispute between the two, then send an Hakam family man and a woman from a family Hakam. If both people Hakam was intended to make amends, surely Allah facilitate a husband and wife. Surely Allah is Knower, Aware. (Surat An-Nisa ': 35)

If it is felt necessary, engage a third party that could become a mediator, facilitator, can be a family party, or from a professional party like a marriage counselor.

Seventh, do not involve children in conflict
Do not make a block in the household, by looking for supporters or allies of the dispute that happened between the couple.

A child could have been confused himself with the conflicts experienced by parents, there is enough to just load they experienced.

Eighth, when the divorce should occur
If there is no other way that can be reached, and have taken the worst solution in the form of a divorce, make sure to be a good way. Marriage begins with a good thing, then it should also end with a good way.

Some important points to be focused during the divorce process such as the following:

Divorce should not be made at the time of the women in this time of menstruation or childbirth, a new divorce valid if the woman says in a clean state.

There is a period of post marital divorce, marital period is the time interval with a span of time three times purification of menstruation, so obviously there is no seed in the womb of the husband and wife. And during these iddah, the wife should stay home with one husband, and is also within marital, couples may be referring to both sides without the need for repeated re-marriage.

If you already have a child, with the divorce, the biggest victim is his son. Do not ignore their rights, and help her through her parents divorce crisis.

Keep the feeling of parental and father in law is also very likely to experience a difficult time with their children experienced a divorce. Notice also this!

Ninth, repent and be forgiving
No human is perfect, there must be errors or omissions that may occur.

For those who feel guilty, do the terms of repentance. Left sin / mistake, sorry, do not repeat it and do good to cover the ugliness of the past-error. Make repentance nasuhah, really, because basically, you're just not making mistakes on your spouse, but also has violated the commitment / pledge to Allah SWT.

For those who "harmed", be forgiving, continue and preserve your wedding ties with the steps better. Not easy to put aside ill feelings in the liver, but not something that is not possible to continue the marriage within the frame of a new and better.

* * *

Hopefully with the things mentioned above, the conflicts that exist in the household does not become a thing that destroys the bond of marriage, but can be managed with a positive spirit.

Beyond that, remember to always be Muslims who are obedient to God wherever we are. Takwa means stay away from all larangannNya and perform all His commandments.

Fear Allah wherever you are, iringilah necessarily erase the bad with the good and pergauilah man with good morals "(Reported by At-Turmuzi)

Armed with faith and piety, God willing, there will never be conflict that is too large to be passed by both pairs.

And make a family, as one means to achieve keridhoanNya, to reach the door of heaven, and take heart to maintain family ties that can always come together, both in the world, and later in the gardens of paradise. Hopefully, God willing.

--- 000 ---

Jakarta, 14 April 2009

Syamsul Arifin

Characteristics and Pregnancy Signs

Pregnancy can only be definitely diagnosed by a doctor. However, there are several characteristics in women who are the signs she was pregnant.

Here are some early signs of pregnancy on your wife:

No longer have menstrual periods or on the moon walk. For that we need to know for sure when the first day of the coming period so that you can know the approximate time of pregnancy and childbirth wives you. However, keep in the know that menstruation is not the right time can also be caused by other things.

Nausea and vomiting. Due to hormonal changes in your isitri. Nausea and vomiting is often referred to as "morning sickness" because of nausea and vomiting usually occurs in the morning on the first months of pregnancy.

Frequent urination. This happens because your wife's bladder pressure by the enlarged uterus. This beser usual complaint will be reduced in pregnancy after 12 weeks and come back after 28 weeks of pregnancy.

Cravings. In the first month of pregnancy, pregnant women usually want certain foods. It happened the first few months.

Other signs commonly appears is the enlargement of the breasts, enlarged nipples and dark even sometimes felt very itchy and sore.

Every woman has signs of pregnancy vary widely. There are severe and there is also not even have any complaints at all. When the characteristics of this pregnancy does not exist, then you should do another test.

The most often used is the doctor for a pregnancy test with urine tests. Urine pregnancy test you can do this yourself by buying at pharmacies and test equipment to test your urine at home.

Urine pregnancy test done by measuring the levels of HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is a hormone produced by the placenta and the amount will increase in the urine and blood during the first weeks after conception.

Note the instructions provided when using this urine test kits. Obtain the most accurate results if the tests conducted in the morning because that time is very high HCG hormone. And if you still doubt whether your wife is pregnant or not, go to your doctor. Doctors can make sure your wife's pregnancy with ultrasound (ultrasonography), this method will show the doctor the fetus in the womb picture your wife

majalah konseling

Obyek Wisata Kuningan, Telaga Remis

Telaga remis merupakan salah satu objek wisata yang ada di kabupaten Kuningan. Berupa telaga yang berada di areal pegunungan. Nama Telaga Remis sendiri diambil dari sejenis kerang berwarna kuning yang dulu banyak hidup di sekitar telaga tersebut. Di sekitar telaga remis terdapat 8 telaga yaitu : Telaga Leat, Telaga Nilem, Telaga Deleg, Situ Ayu Salintang, Telaga Leutik, Telaga Buruy, Telaga Tespong, dan Sumur Jalatunda. Selain tempatnya yang sejuk, karena berada di dataran tinggi dan dipenuhi dengan tumbuh-tumbuhan yang rindang, perahu motor dan sepeda air merupakan daya tarik bagi tempat ini. Tak jauh berbeda dengan objek-objek wisata lainnya, tentunya kuliner yang ada disekitar objek juga bisa menjadi salah satu tujuan melakukan wisata. Di telaga remis para pelancong dapat memesan ikan dengan menu di bakar dan/atau digoreng, uniknya kita dapat mengambil ikannya dari telaga sesuai selera kita. Sedangkan letak geografis dari telaga remis yaitu berada di desa Kaduela kecamatan Pasawahan, jarak ±37 km ke arah utara dari kota Kuningan dan ±13 km ke arah selatan dari kota Cirebon


Rabu, 16 Juni 2010

Obyek Wisata Kuningan, Linggarjati

Perundingan Linggarjati atau kadang juga disebut Perundingan Linggajati adalah suatu perundingan antara Indonesia dan Belanda di Linggarjati, Jawa Barat yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 10-13 November 1946. Menghasilkan persetujuan mengenai status kemerdekaan Indonesia. Hasil perundingan ini ditandatangani di Istana Merdeka Jakarta pada 15 November 1946 dan diratifikasi kedua negara pada 25 Maret 1947.

Linggarjati, merupakan bagian yang sangat penting dari perjalanan sejarah Bangsa Indonesia, sehingga sampai sekarang bisa menjadi bangsa yang merdeka dan berdaulat. Diantara isi pokok persetujuan Linggarjati adalah : (1) Belanda mengakui secara De Facto Republik Indonesia dengan wilayah kekuasaan yang meliputi Sumatra, Jawa, dan Madura; (2) Republik Indonesia dan Belanda akan bekerjasama dalam membentuk negara Indonesia Serikat, yang salah satu negara bagiannya adalah Republik Indonesia;(3) Republik Indonesia Serikat dan Belanda akan membentuk Uni Indonesia – Belanda dengan Ratu Belanda selaku ketuanya.

Peristiwa yang berlangsung 59 tahun silam tersebut, masih dapat kita saksikan melalui peninggalan-peninggalan yang ada di Gedung Linggarjati, sekaligus dijadikan sebagai salah satu bangunan cagar budaya oleh Pemerintah sesuai dengan UU.No.5 tahun 1992. Desa Linggarjati sendiri berada di wilayah Blok Wage, Dusun Tiga, Kampung Cipaku, kecamatan Cilimus Kabupaten Kuningan Jawa Barat. Desa ini terletak pada ketinggian 400 meter di atas permukaan air laut, dimana sebagian besar penduduknya bermata pencaharian sebagai petani. Sebelah selatan desa ini berbatasan dengan Desa Linggasana, sebelah timur berbatasan dengan Desa Linggamekar, sebelah utara berbatasan dengan Desa Lingga Indah dan sebelah barat berbatasan dengan Gunung Ciremai. Untuk mencapai lokasi ini tidaklah terlalu sulit, karena akses jalan aspal yang mulus, sehingga mudah sekali dijangkau dengan kendaraan pribadi maupun kendaraan umum. Dari arah Cirebon kurang lebih 25 km sedangkan dari arah Kuningan kurang lebih 17 km.

Hawa sejuk dan damai akan kita rasakan ketika mulai memasuki pelataran Gedung Linggarjati. Bangunan kuno dan megah yang dikelilingi oleh taman yang asri, dengan suasana yang tidak terlalu ramai, semakin menambah penghayatan suasana Linggarjati. Luas komplek Linggarjati kurang lebih 2,4 hektare, dimana sepertiga dari luas tersebut merupakan bangunan gedung yang dipergunakan untuk perundingan. Bangunan ini sendiri tadinya dibangun oleh warga negara Belanda, sebagai tempat peristirahatan, yang kemudian dipilih sebagai tempat perundingan dan akhirnya diserahkan kepada Pemerintah Indonesia sebagai salah satu bangunan cagar budaya Pemerintah Indonesia. Walaupun berupa bangunan lama, tapi secara keseluruhan kebersihan gedung ini nampak terjaga sekali. Ada 14 orang yang membantu merawat gedung ini, diantaranya 7 orang merupakan PNS ( Pegawai Negeri Sipil ), dan sisanya adalah pegawai honorer

Bangunan ini terdiri dari beberapa ruang, yaitu ruang tamu, ruang tengah, kamar tidur, kamar mandi dan ruang belakang. Ruang tamu dipergunakan sebagai ruang untuk melakukan lobi dan meeting informal. ruang tengah merupakan ruang utama, dimana perjanjian Linggarjati dilaksanakan. Ternyata posisi kursi yang diduduki oleh para anggota perundingan masih sama seperti dulu waktu perundingan dilangsungkan. diantara para peserta perundingan tersebut adalah, delegasi Indonesia terdiri dari :

1.Sutan Sjahrir

2.Mr.Soesanto Tirtoprodjo


4.Mr.Muhammad Roem

delegasi Belanda terdiri dari

1.Prof.Ir. Schermerhorn

2.Mr.Van Poll


4.Dr.Van Mook

Dan sebagai notulensi adalah



3.Mr.Amir Sjarifuddin

3.Mr.Ali Budiardjo

Kamar-kamar tidur yang bersebelahan dengan ruang perundingan merupakan tempat tidur yang dipergunakan oleh delegasi Indonesia dan Belanda selama mengikuti jalannya perundingan.

Latar Sejarah

Sebelum menjadi Museum Perundingan Linggajati bangunan ini berupa gubuk milik Ibu Jasitem (1918), kemudian pada tahun 1921 oleh seorang bangsa Belanda bernama Tersana dirombak menjadi rumah semi permanen, pada tahun 1930-1935 setelah dibeli keluarga Van Ost Dome (bangsa Belanda) dirombak menjadi rumah tinggal seperti sekarang, kemudian pada tahun 1935 -1946) dikontrak Heiker (bangsa Belanda) dijadikan Hotel yang bernama Rus “Toord”.

Keadaan ini berlanjut setelah Jepang menduduki Indonesia dan diteruskan setelah kemerdekaan Indonesia. Pada zaman pendudukan Jepang, hotel tersebut berubah namanya menjadi Hotel Hokay Ryokan. Setelah Proklamasi Kemerdekaan RI tahun 1945 hotel ini diberi nama Hotel Merdeka. Jika diperhatikan, pembagian ruangan dalam Museum Perundingan Linggajati sekarang masih menyerupai pembagian ruangan untuk bangunan hotel.

Pada tahun 1946 di gedung ini berlangsung peristiwa bersejarah yaitu Perundingan antar Pemerintah Indonesia dengan Pemerintah Belanda yang menghasilkan Naskah Linggarjati sehingga gedung ini sering disebut Gedung Perundingan Linggajati. Sejak aksi militer tentara Belanda ke-2 1948-1950 gedung dijadikan markas Belanda, kemudian pada tahun 1950 – 1975 difungsikan menjadi Sekolah Dasar Negeri Linggajati, selanjutnya pada tahun 1975 Bung Hatta dan Ibu Sjahrir berkunjung dengan membawa pesan bahwa gedung ini akan dipugar oleh Pertamina, tetapi usaha ini hanya sampai pembuatan bangunan sekolah untuk Sekolah Dasar Negeri Linggajati yang selanjutnya pada tahun 1976 gedung ini oleh diserahkan Kepada Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan untuk dijadikan Museum Memorial.

Jadwal Kunjung
Waktu jam kunjung museum
a. Senin –Jumat dari pukul 07.00 – 15.00
b. Sabtu – Minggu dari pukul 08.00 – 17.00

Bangunan museum berdiri diatas areal seluas 2,4 ha, dengan luas bangunan 800 m2 yang terdiri dari: ruang sidang, ruang sekretaris, kamar tidur Lord Killearn (Inggris), ruang pertemuan Presiden Soekarno dan Lord Killearn, kamar tidur delegasi Belanda, kamar tidur delegasi Indonesia, ruang makan, kamar mandi/WC, ruang setrika, gudang, bangunan paviliun, dan bangunan garasi.
