Kamis, 17 Juni 2010

Summary Of Myths Around Pregnancy

Usually when we get pregnant, there arose various "advice" that smells
and don'ts. This should not, be it, and so forth.
In fact, often it's just a myth.

"Well, the baby must be women. You see, since you're so happy pregnant
dressed. First mbakyumu too. Anyway, guess she did not
never missed, deh! "said a woman aged about prospective grandchildren.

It turned out that guess was right. The birth of a baby female
petite and pretty. "See, right, right, Grandmother said." You are already
women looked after in your mother's womb, "said the grandmother
holding happy grandson.

Is it true that pregnant women who likes to primp a sign he would
gave birth to baby girl? Meanwhile, pregnant women tend to be lazy
and unwilling would dress up baby boy?

Medically speaking, of course it has nothing to do. Because the
determine the baby was a boy or girl's father is the sperm. But,
his name is also myth, legitimate force in society. Which
clearly, the myth has grown by word of mouth and eventually tend
trusted as truth.

After all, we can not believe it. Any restrictions or recommendations,
still need a reason. Moreover, today we can
pregnancy problems consult a physician or midwife. "Mother
The young will not find in books or dictionaries, "said dr. Judi
Januadi Endjun, Sp.OG, from the Gatot Subroto Army Hospital.

Well, what are the common myths we heard and how
a common sense explanation and also medical?


* A pregnant woman and her husband were forbidden to kill animals. For, if
was carried out, can cause fetal defects in accordance with
action. Certainly not the case. That's just superstition alone.
But, keep in mind, to kill or torture an animal is
act which can not be justified.

* Do not close the holes, like an ant hole because it would
complicate the delivery process. Difficult delivery of course not
determined it. As we all know, the delivery process depends
in 3P (power, passage, passanger). The delivery process could walk
smoothly if all three components are in good condition. Infant size
(Passanger) not too big to get through the birth canal (passage).
Supported by the contraction (power) so that regular and effective
able to open the birth canal.

* Must wear strap / black yarn around the abdomen above the womb
so that the baby did not rise again situated so that the process
labor can walk lancar.Agar clearly understood, the position of baby
experienced stages. Will head into the pelvic cavity
before and during the birth process.

* Pregnant women are advised to install a small scissors or small knife
clothing in order to avoid a marabahaya.Yang hazards fetuses precisely
when a pair of scissors or small knife pierced the skin's mother. Right, right?

* Pin-sided nail or a small bag of garlic on
clothes in order to avoid interference kuntilanak.Wah, that is,
clearly superstition. One-one nail may injure the mother.

* Pregnant women are prohibited from wrapping a towel around his neck so that the child
not contain any clear pusat.Ini coiled cord making it up because
there was no link between a towel around his neck with your baby in

Medical explanation, as explained by dr. Gambling, hyperactivity
baby movement, allegedly could cause the cord loops because
her mother was too active. So, do not be surprised if there are recommendations for pregnant women
already taking a month off before delivery. It is expected that the mother did not
too tired, so things did not happen before the unexpected
labor. And can prepare all the logistics for the baby and mother

* In order for current delivery, at the Ceremony 7 Monthly, expectant mothers and prospective
asked his father passed the fish / eel through the fabric sheath that bears
mothers. If the fish / eel out smoothly (not related), sign
delivery will be smooth. Of course it's not true. Because, like
already mentioned above, the current least a birth process
depends on fetal weight, power to push the mother, and the birth canal.
If all support each other, certainly unpredictable current.

* If there is to loosen all the rope in the house, delivery will
running smoothly. Which is also absurd. The truth, if the mother
using loose clothing (without the strings that tie), he will
feel more comfortable. "So it makes it convenient
relaxed through pregnancy and birth welcomed, "said dr. Judi.

* Tabu if already preparing baby before the baby is born. Ah,
right. It would be troublesome if all new equipment purchased
when his baby was born. To be sure, do not be too extravagant first.
So, who put up only things that are absolutely necessary in
number of taste.

* If pregnant women primp so happy that her baby would be born,
perempuan.Ini sex was not completely correct. Indeed, congenital
pregnant women varies. Some prefer to dress to impress
neat. There is a lazy primp for abdominal fat is enough
make trouble and swelter.

What is clear, male or female is determined by the father's sperm. If
X chromosome from the father's sperm meets with X chromosomes from the egg cell
mother, the baby certain women. But if the Y chromosome from
father's sperm meets with the X chromosome from the egg, the baby

* If the form of the mother during pregnancy tapering abdomen, she will give birth
baby boy. Meanwhile, if circular, which will be born baby girl.
Ah, this one's just grandma just said. On first pregnancy, abdominal
tend to be rounded on top. "Because the muscles of the abdominal wall is still strong
so as to support the uterus, "said dr. Judi. While in pregnancy
and the subsequent increase in size, weight tends to fall down.
This is due to the abdominal wall muscles have started to sag and not
support it too well.

Can also be caused by the baby's position. "If the cross, we can be sure
maternal abdomen broad, "said dr. Judi. As soon as any amount of fluid
membranes. When numerous, the stomach also seem larger.

* We do not lift clothesline pregnant and do not do the movement
lifted. It is said that if this is done, the rope will be twisted on its head
bayi.Yang right neck, lifting heavy goods, of course not
recommended for pregnant women. It is feared that if he was too tired, will
influence the fetus in his stomach.

* Pregnant women should not be eating with a large plate so that children can not
large. Of course this is ridiculous. Maybe if you eat
with a big plate on the portion of the mother forgot to eat so
he eventually overeat. And of course this is not good, because it will
make a baby is too big.

A good way to eat for pregnant women is a little but often
and contain healthy foods 4 5 perfect.

* Not allowed to eat using a large spoon, so that the baby's lips
mungil.Ini also unreasonable. Whether or not the tiny lips, too
form the eyes, eyebrows, nose, face shape, hair, etc., will
follow the father or mother. Or a combination. In fact, it can be
Just follow your baby's face or hair of her grandparents. What is clear,
God never made two people who looked like a hundred percent.


* Pregnant women are advised to drink coconut oil (one tablespoon per
days) before the birth. This means that the delivery process runs
lancar.Lo, really, drinking oil? Oil, right, is used to
frying. Either that or tempeh crackers. Do not believe ah! All
food element will be broken down in the intestine into amino acids,
glucose, fatty acids, and others so easily absorbed by the intestine.

* Do not drink ice water so that her baby was big. Actually, the
causing a large baby is good and nutritious food factor
descent. Drinking ice was not prohibited, the origin is not an overstatement. Because if
too much, heartburn will feel crowded, and it certainly makes the mother
pregnant feel uncomfortable. Besides all that excess will
not always a good impact. So, is it?

* Do not eat raw fish so that the baby did not smell fishy. New baby
just been born and have not cleaned it smells a little fishy
blood. But this is not because the fish consumed by pregnant women,
but because the aroma (smell) of amniotic fluid. The best, of course
eat cooked fish. Because cleanliness is clear awake than fish

* Do not eat strawberries, because the resulting spots on
bayi.Ini skin clearly nonsense. There was no association patches on the skin
infant with strawberry fruit. Remember, do not eat strawberries
too much, because it can hurt the stomach. Maybe the baby is experiencing
infection while in the womb or in the birth canal, which raised the
patches on the skin.


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